Friday, May 22, 2009

Whisper Whiskers

salam n welcome to "Whisper Whiskers"! (is it realy a word dat have meaning?urgh)

um..basically.the name was like tbe2..
xberkait antara hidup n mati..cume, i juz thougt it sounds nice..nice x rakan2?
n yah..whiskers analogi kepada meow2..coz im a full time cat's lover *winks*

in order to isi my mase lpg n fullfill d wish of dis 'tuan kure-kure'.hehe..i finally able to make a blog myself.
ok..not exactly..dis blog sudah lame berada di pasrn dong..
tp tuannye ini mals bangaaat mahu mengaktifknnye..hehe

so, i think this is where i'll be sharing my opinions, thoughts, experience..and not to forget..expressing my special emotions.heh. i start to wonder..
" i be able to make this blogging thingy up dated?" is a person who do less writing.more on talking, drawing, n reading..
bace blog org len lebih menyeronokkn bukan?ehe :D

anyway.. go clah go! hait! X)


naQib said...

good start clah tokapi.hehe..
Do share with us wut ur story=).
epi blogging!chaiyok2.

cLah said...

hehe..thnx mr naqib! ure d 1st to commnet..
welcome2! :)

shera said...

finally. now i know wats the real surprise. welcome to the club dear friend. sila rajin update. :D

cLah said...

shirot..r u suprise?
ehehe..thnx my dear shirot :)

Header image by sabrinaeras @ Flickr