Wednesday, October 21, 2009

usrah..meeting..program..dan study.

a story i've read from i luv islam..a good story..espclly for those yg mengalami konflik diri mcm shabat kt: Tariq ni.. :) a note to myself too..

Tariq melabuhkan badannya ke tilam murah di rumah sewa setelah penat membawa usrah sebentar tadi. Dia menyiapkan beberapa tugasan untuk dihantar pada pensyarah pagi esok. Selesai saja tugasan, Tariq terpaku seketika dek terkenangkan ahli-ahli usrah yang dibawanya... Adakala rasa seronok berkongsi pandangan dengan mereka. Tapi... "Ahh... Malas la nak fikir, tidur lagi bagus", detik hatinya. Jam menunjukkan pukul 2.00 pagi.

Sebelum Subuh lagi Tariq bangun untuk bersiap-siap ke surau. Dengan mata yang bengkak kerana tak cukup tidur, dia jalan terhuyung-hayang menuju ke surau berdekatan setelah mengambil wudhuk di rumah. Selesai solat berjamaah, ia berzikir sambil 'menunduk-nudukkan kepala' tanda sangat 'khusyuk' dalam zikirnya. "Alahai.. mengantuknya. Balik rumah je la. Boleh landing kejap sebelum ke kuliah.."

"Tariq...! Awak mengantuk lagi, pergi basuh muka", tegur pensyarahnya, Dr. Syarah. Mata Tariq cerah semula. Ramai pelajar tersenyum sinis memandangnya. "Alamak... kantoi lagi aku dengan Dr. Syarah", getus hatinya. Tariq membuat muka selamba seolah tiada apa-apa yang berlaku. Pensyarah itu meneruskan syarahnya walaupun mata Tariq masih lagi 'bergelombang' sayup-sayup layu mata memandang.

Sedang mendengar kuliah dengan mata kemerah-merahan, handphone Tariq vibrate menandakan ada call atau sms dari seseorang. "Salam. Jangan lupa 8.15 malam ni diadakan meeting di aras jamaah, fakulti program." Begitulah pesanan sms yang tertulis dari kawan seusrahnya, Mutarriq. "Meeting lagi", keluh hatinya. "Malam tadi dah usrah, malam ni meeting pulak", tambah hatinya. Selesai hantar tugasan dan kuliah 'tidur' jam 10.30 pagi, Tariq meluru ke motornya sambil membelek buku kecilnya jika ada perkara-perkara yang perlu dilakukan.

"Ishh... Yang ni tak buat lagi, yang ni pun tak buat lagi. Hari ni dah Khamis, program hari Sabtu. Apa aku nak jawab dengan Mutarriq malam nanti?" tanya hatinya. Mahu tak mahu Tariq pulang ke rumahnya. Ia membuka komputer sambil menaip-naip sesuatu sambil memicit kepalanya. "Ok. Kuliah lambat lagi. Pukul 2.00 petang. Boleh aku siapkan kerja aku ni", cetus hatinya sambil melihat jam tangannya yang menunjukkan pukul 11.00 pagi.

Setelah dua jam berhempas pulas, akhirnya kerja yang berkaitan dengan program Sabtu terdekat selesai. "Alhamdulillah..." syukur Tariq padaNya kerana memudahkan urusannya. Tariq cukup yakin akan pertolongan Allah bagi orang yang menolong agamaNya. Selesai solat Zohor, Tariq bergegas ke fakulti untuk kuliah. Dengan macho ia masuk ke kelas. Belum sempat Tariq duduk dan bertegur sapa dengan kawannya, pensyarah berkata, "Ok kelas, kita ada kuiz sekarang. Sila tutup buku dan nota". Hilanglah macho Tariq apabila mendengar perkataan keramat itu. Mulutnya ternganga kelu tanpa kata. "Habis la aku kali ni... Satu apa pun aku tak baca", kata hatinya.

Timbullah suara-suara jahat Azazil: "Itulah kau. Sibuk usrah, meeting, program memanjang sampai belajar entah ke mana. Kalau kau belajar saja kan bagus. Mesti kau boleh score punya. Usrah, meeting, program ni lepas belajar pun boleh buat. Malam esok kamu pulak ada usrah di rumah Pak Cik Murabbi. Bila pulak kamu nak study? Haa.. Jawab, jawab...!". Tariq tak jawab apa-apa oleh kerana kagetnya sambil mulut ternganga. Lebih jahat lagi Azazil menghasut: "Kamu nak mintak tolong siapa sekarang. Pak Cik Murabbi tak dapat tolong kamu. Jamaah pun tak dapat tolong kamu. Allah tak tolong kamu. Fail nanti kamu jugak yang susah." Walaupun sedang dilema, Tariq meneruskan kuiznya sekadar yang termampu.

"Tariq mesti istiqamah dalam perjuangan...", kata Pak cik Murabbi setelah Tariq mengadu masalahnya. "Belajar tu wajib. Kamu mesti bersedia sepanjang masa", tambahnya lagi. "Tapi Pak Cik, macam mana? Setiap hari ada saja kerja yang perlu dibuat sampai tak sempat nak study", kata Tariq. "Masing-masing diberikan masa secukupnya, cuma kita yang tak pandai menggunakannya", jawab Pak Cik Murabbi. "Banyak lagi masa yang kita ada. Cuba kamu kira, berapa lama berbual-bual dengan kawan? Berapa lama melayari internet? Berapa lama menonton televisyen? Berapa lama bermain games? Berapa lama makan di gerai?" tambahnya.

"Semua itu pencuri masa kita. Kurangkan masa-masa tersebut dan Tariq pasti ada masa untuk study", tegasnya. Lantas Pak Cik berpesan kepada Tariq sebelum pulang dari usrah: "Jangan salahkan perkara atau orang lain jika salah itu datang daripada diri kita sendiri. Salah kita kerana tidak pandai menguruskan masa. Orang lain pun lebih sibuk daripada awak dan ia juga berjaya dalam pelajarannya. Ia juga diberi 24 jam sehari seperti awak." Amat tepat sekali jawapan Pak Cik Murabbi kepada Tariq dan menimbulkan kembali semangat juangnya untuk Islam dan tidak melupakan masa untuk belajar.

Namun, Tariq bertanya: "Siapa orang lain yang berjaya tu Pak Cik?". Dengan selamba Pak Cik Murabbi menjawab: "Pak Cik la orang lain tu. Nak bagitau nama orang lain Pak Cik tak tau...", sambil senyum meleret pada Tariq sambil ternampak gigi. "Terima kasih atas nasihat Pak Cik", kata Tariq sambil tersenyum. Tariq pulang bersama mutiara berharga dari Pak Cik Murabbi yang juga cemerlang dalam usrah, meeting, program dan... AKADEMIK semasa belajar dahulu.

"Masa itu ibarat pedang. Jika kita tidak memotongnya, ia akan memotong kita."
(Pepatah Arab)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

lazy updaterrr

salammualaik to evrybody...

its been quite a while...hehe.. many months dah x update..

too many works.
not enuf time.
too lazy.
not in da mood.
too many alasankan??hehe... :P

and all these result in an abandon blog..soory blogg! :(

aha..but no promises to update it as always..
skrg pun not much time sgt..
2weeks more for endocrine n reproductive module examnation..cuak~
n now need to study those tinggi macam gunung physiology subjects..ish3
do pray for me eit..

like to share sum words that i found it motivating especially when u feel down or sad or frustated..etc.
nice one here..hope u like it :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


One quiet night..i was studying Anatomy alone downstairs.
It was too quite and belum smpai 30 head felt drowsy,my eyes felt heavier..tande2 mengantuk sudah tibe.
Baru pkul 10 lebih..ish3..cannot sleep2..still got more to study.
Suddenly..jeng3!! 2 big lembage..jumped into my table.woah!! terkejut teman...luckily it's not the Death Eater. (name lain bagi hantu..hehe)
Rupe2nye it's my 2 teman setia ketike study sudah dtg; Alin and Ciko. The most cutest cat n gediest cat i've ever had :P

Me: alin, ciko..jgn kacau org studylaa..(since they occupied the whole meje..making me hard to see my notes n books..haih)
Alin: u look like u're sleepy..sleepyhead!go n study..let chiko n me help u!!SuperAlin n SuperChiko bertukar!~~
Chiko: i involved in this whole show?? my,blhla cube gitu2..
Me: iye ke kome nak tlg nih??can't believe my eyes.boleh ke ni?? (dgn suare yg sinis..)
Alin: Juz wait n see...anything for u miss! :P

dan inilah yang terjadi pada malam tersebut..

'mari belajar anat!! this is the large intestine..', says Alin.

'ini perut saya..laparnyee..', chiko berkate dgn malasnye.

Alin masih bersemangat study, chiko sudah mula kecundang.

Baek saye tdo dlu..hua~~Zzzz..Zzz.zz..

last-last due2 kecundang...ish3

n by the's only me yg still studying..
'hey..who's the sleepyhead rite now???'..heheh
aneway..thnx ciko n alin for making up my nite day!love u both!
hehe..mlm nih kt study physio same2 lak k??

Sunday, August 2, 2009

batch trip

buat rakan2ku semua..
have fun nanti n take care k.jage diri.jage iman. jage2 from h1n1.yg plg back home safely ok.
jgn lupe sweets n choclates for me.
selamat jalan :)

currently longing to follow all of u.tsk..

Friday, July 31, 2009

Setiap butir pasir..

it's like a big rock hitting me on the head..

history is repeating again..
"y asilah u nvr learn from the past??" haih..
my mistake :(

bru jap td my purse ilang sekelip mate.dis is the 2nd time of the year.
mule2 ade..then..bling! ilang tbe2..
afte lecture class terakhir..
i put my purse on the table juz in front of me.then my SSM grupmates yg duduk blkng my tmpt duduk nak discuss bout our projek. Since lecture dah abes.. ppl keep pouring out from the lecture theater scare beramai2..(agak kecoh di sini.kerna smua smgt nk blk cuti 1 week.)
disebbkn terlalu bnyk yg difikirkan dlm my head, i kind of forgotten my purse dkt meja tuh.i was too concentrate on discussing the SSM (special study modul) with my other grupmates..cume bbrpe belas minit saje sy pndng keblakang..
n then ble pusing purse??gone!! :( with all my notes yg dah berterabur kat lntai (based on wat shidah cte..coz i hve tottally forgotten of my own purse at dat time..ish3)
dah crk2 merate tmpt..still xjmpe..
n i dont want to make any pertuduhan ke ats sesiapa..bcoz i noe,it was my own carelessness yg menyebabkn bad things happen to me.

however.. for those who have founded my purse..hope blh inform kn dekat saya n pass it back eit.
or for those who maybe i thought have taken my purse by his/her own purpose.
u can take all the money in there..but do give d purse back to me eit..
kt xkesah sangat pasal duit.but i do care with all the cards in there; k/p, lesen kete, kad bank..haih.
a big BIG PLEASSSEee..i wont b angry at all :)

sgt sedey..btol sedeh.terpkse renew everythng blk..isk..
tapi selpas difikirkn..ade hikmah di sebaliknyee.
Allah mentakdirkn dat things hppen to me maybe bcoz of..:
- mungkin sy agak lalai dan terlalu bergumbira semenjak due ni
- mungkin sy jarang bersedekah, jrg memberi pd yg lain
- mungkin sy lupe n lalai pd Allah yg sentiasa mengingati hambanya
- mungkin sy telah membuat bnyk dosa..samada di dalam sedar atau pon tidak
mungkin...dan segala-galanye mungkin di sini..

macam yang kt tau..ujian adlah kifarah dose.
bile jd bende macam nih..baru kt mula ingat kat Allah balik kn??
baru kt dpt muhasabah diri dpt tgk ape yg dah tersilap.ape yg dah terlupe seme..
anyway..bende dah jadi..xleh ditangisi..isk.
must keep on moving..n learn sumthing from dis..

buat sume teman2..sedikit pesanan dari penaja:
- barangg2 berharge korunk jgelah elok2 eh..klo boleh pegang sentiasa di tgn..salu nampak.
- start ur day with a doa'.mintak dipelihara dari sbarang malapetaka..coz ape-ape pon...Allah yg merancang dan menjage kt :)
- n if sape2 yg senasib macam kt or maybe kene ujian yg lebih hebat dr nih..jgn terlalu bersedih eh..ade sbb setiap bnde terjadi...
'Pada setiap butir pasir pon ada hikmahnya kn..'
- n last but not least..jgnlah jadi seperti saya...huuu :(

'Ada sesuata perkara yang kamu tidak sukai, tetapi perkara itu sebenarnya baik untukmu, dan ada sesuatu perkara yang kamu sukai, tetapi sebenarnya perkara itu tidak baik untukmu..'

Sunday, July 5, 2009

where rainbows end :)

Written by Cecelia Ahern..She wrote this story as good as she always used to..(btw..she's the same writer for P.s I love you)
Where rainbows end is a story about this two bestest-frens-ever; Rosie and Alex.
They have been best fren from their kindergaten age until they have been old and frail n forever who knows it will be..ehe..
The story tells you about the life of Rosie and Alex..who were confused in their relationships whether it is Love or just a pure best fren feelings.
I know its seems like a typical love story...but u shud read it..
Here, i like to share some parts of the book where i like..but.. i won’t tell u d won’t be fun at all. go n have a peep at dis book after dis eit..then u'll understand..

ok..wat i likessss were:
- the way she told the story..not just by written it like a novel i've read before..but she write d story in forms of emails and instant'll be reading it like u’re stalking on others email and others secret messages..hehe..get my point eh??

- the way Rosie goes on with her life..she's though and a hardworking single mother.

- oh..and the bond of frenship between Rosie and’s a real close one you knoe.. (btw,i nvr said in Islam..its a gud thing ok..hehe..let juz emphasizes on the "friendship" itself ok..) n..i do love d endings. :D

And here is the weird part of me.. As i goes through this book...i keep on comparing with my own life with the book.well u a muslim..n the book tells u about the western lifestyle can't help to compare it with mine..

The part which are way to different from me:

- it’s weird to see Rosie's parents accepted her with a big big happy heart when they knows she will give birth to a baby..especially when she's only 18 years old (dat sounds too young for me..ehe) ok with it if the baby she get was by dis baby was illegal..hehe..u Islam we call it "zina"’s weird to see that they are happy n suppose as parents we shud teach our daughters a lesson.huh..

- womens in the western are being looked too low in their community.(from what i've read in dis booklah) Womens are being use as an entertaiment..and you can freely makes jokes on sex and bla bla bla with anybody although u've nvr meet dat person before..Different in Islam, where women are being super-protected..ehe..we have to tutup our aurah (must be betol2 tutup eit)..jage batas pergaulan...can't go there..can't do dat..sounds like soo leceh rite??but hey.. it's all for our own gud rite??it will be a long list if u want me to write the benefits of all dis..uhu ;)

- i can't see the point on wat marriage means to does'nt make a diff. u can still live in the same house and act like u r husband n wife although u're not evn married to him/her yet. Islam won't allow boy or gurl who's not ur mahram to be in a same house berdue je...or else..u'll be catch by jaip as a kesalahan for berkhalwat..rite2?mcm nih pon was a big sin..bygkn if u stayed with a man without no relationship at all for a long time..nauzubillah~

- n teenagers by the age of 16 and above 18..they wil be free to do anythng they like..parents are not allowed to get invollve at alll...woah~ gee.. however, Islamic parents knows dat their daughter and son will be their responsiblities until they died.(minus when the daughter is married to her husband k..d responsibilities wil then be put to the husband.) n oh..childrens must here their parents advice as long as it is not melannggar syarak..Nice kn. the end of this book..i felt like:
"oohh..dis story was so sweeett..n how glad n proud i am to be a full time muslim :)"

well.enuf said..nnt mcm ape lak kn..ehe.
hmm..i noe2..wat I’ve list up there..some of us,the Malaysian people (melayu Islam espclly) must hve been living like dis rite..if not living..maybe some of us has set d trends kn,..
n 1 reasons for it. bcoz we did'nt make Islam as our way of life..
let make islam as our our way of life..coz..if we all do dis..
our rainbows will all end like happily ever after..ehe (i mean in heaven insyaAllah..)
so..chop2..improve ourselves n try to be a better muslim each single day eit..better start changing then nvr..
Do think again..adios.


-btw..dis is not a book review I hope there'll be no hard feelings here..juz an opinion n a person point of view.

-oh..n sorry cecelia ahern..i do love ur writing :)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Muhasabah Cinta

muhasabah cinta..
lagu ini sudah agk igin saya ketengahkn di sini.hehe

ive put dis songs in my blog...why?
- liriknye sgt mendalam..cube hayati eit.
- bnyk isi penting i can get from this lyric..
- melodi nye sgt tenang n sdp didengar..
- who knoes..u'll then like dis song :)

Something to share with; :)

Dari Anas ra. dari Nabi saw. Allah befirman:

“Bila seseorang itu mendekat kepada-Ku sejengkal maka Aku mendekat kepadanya sehasta, bila ia mendekat kepada-Ku sehasta maka Aku mendekat kepadanya sedepa, dan apabila ia datang kepada-Ku dengan berjalan maka Aku datang kepadanya dengan berlari”.

(Riwayat Bukhari)


Subhanallah..begitu sayangnya Allah pada kt semua. DIA sentiasa menantikan kt sbg hambanya agar dekat dan taat kepadanya. Cuma mungkin kt hambanya masih belum sedar betapa dalamnya kasih dan sayang Allah kepada kt. Jom check semula..

Dari Abu Hurairah ra. Berkata, Rasulullah saw. Bersabda, bahwasannya Allah Ta’ala berfirman:

“ Sesuatu yang paling Kusukai dari apa yang dikerjakan oleh hamba-Ku untuk mendekatkan diri kepada-Ku ialah apabila ia mengerjakan apa yang telah Kuwajibkan kepadanya. Seseorang itu akan selalu mendekatkan diri kepada-Ku dengan mengerjakan perkara-perkara sunat sehingga Aku mencintainya. Apabila Aku mencintainya, maka Aku merupakan pendengaran yang ia pergunakan untuk mendengarkannya, Aku merupakan penglihatan yang ia gunakan untuk melihatnya, Aku merupakan tangan yang ia pergunakan untuk melakukannya dan Aku merupakan kaki yang ia pergunakan untuk berjalan. Seandainya ia bermohon kepada-Ku pasti Aku akan mengabulkannya dan seandainya ia berlindung diri kepada-Ku pasti Aku akan melindunginya”.

(Riwayat Bukhari)


Bila kt cintakan Allah..ape yg didengar, dilihat dan setiap perbuatan kt sentiasa diawasi agar kt x buat ape yg dilarang olehNya. Indah bukan if kt dapat mencapai cinta sehingga tahap mcm ni.. InsyaAllah..:)


Wahai... Pemilik nyawaku
Betapa lemah diriku ini
Berat ujian dariMu
Kupasrahkan semua padaMu

Tuhan... Baru ku sadar
Indah nikmat sehat itu
Tak pandai aku bersyukur
Kini kuharapkan cintaMu

Reff. :
Kata-kata cinta terucap indah
Mengalun berzikir di kidung doaku
Sakit yang kurasa biar jadi penawar dosaku
Butir-butir cinta air mataku
Teringat semua yang Kau beri untukku
Ampuni khilaf dan salah selama ini
Ya ilahi....
Muhasabah cintaku...

Tuhan... Kuatkan aku
Lindungiku dari putus asa
Jika ku harus mati
Pertemukan aku denganMu

"cinta itu kelembutan hati tanpa batas kepada yang di cinta,cintakan Allah kekal untuk selama-lamnya..pujalah Allah Dia tidak pernah mengecewakan.."

muhasabah buat diri dan teman-teman..

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Penang Trippppy

Venue: Batu Ferringi, Penang
Date : 31st Mei 09 - 3rd Jun 09

ahad until rabu lps, our femily went to a trip at penang.
ok, not reli a trip, my dad ade seminar there, so, ape lagi..jgn lpskn pluang, ikt slagi mash smpat.hehe :)

since my dad was on knyataannye we dont jln2 pusing2 penang bnyk sgt.
takat dkt2 blhla.

tmpt yg telah diterokai stakat nih :

- Naza Hotel and Bayu Emas Apartment with the nearest beach
ini tmpt kitorang berlindung slame 4 hari 3 malm kat situ, dkt dgn beach.nice view :)

- Feringgi Street
blh diibaratkn mcm Petaling street..mcm2 ade kat mostly on souvenirs.

- Rumah Perak
ktorng tersinngh kat umah nih, mcm homestay for pgawai perak yg nak stay kat penang for a while.umah yg sgt besar n selesa skali.also near to the beach..
(kat sini xder pic, sbb xterigt nk tngkp..Huhu)

- Padang Kota Lama

an idea from my fren if nak mkn yg best (thnx!). ade pasembor, laksa penang, mee udang, mcm2la, but beware..sediakan money2 anda secukupnye dlu k..hehe

- Fort Cornwallis
historical place where Francis Light tlh bina 1st fort.sgt bsgr fort ini..dan ade pony yg visit there k.
(actually,pttnye ade gmbr kat cni, bt memory card hp my mom tbe2 terformat sindrik..problemo..xpela..xder rezki nk share..hee)

gmbr tiket die pon jadila..isk

thanx mummy n daddy for d nice time kt jln bwk Along skali k..
Love u both :)

Note to Along : bergembirela tgk pic nih..nex tyme Along joinla..kmpul 1 femili brla bahagia..hehe :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Time Wise


I bet al of u mesti suke dgr dis wonderful, beautiful word (ok..i noe i sound like 'sum1' :P)

situasi normal holiday period:
start: im xcited, bnyk bnde nak buat..da lame x!yay!~
mid : busannyyee..ther's nuting to do, nobody's home.nak berjln2 pon tade transport..busan2!uhuk2
end : ala..nk dkt abes holiday da..malasnye nak back to classes n tgk bnyk asgnmnt.hui~

(ok..basically..this is really not base on me ok rakan2..ini adalah research sy terhadap masy. sekeliling.hehe)

so..mostly.student mcm kt mengalami sindrom mcm nih kn.
start2 sgt kat pertghn da mcm xde ape nak buat..
so..i've got a list of ideas utk korng mngisi mase lapang korng cuti2 ni..hope it helps ;)

Things to do mase Holiday:

1. Family First :)

rpat2kn hbgn femili kt smua.My ideas?Let's do work together!Like msk2 bersme..or do housework.or ajkla femili go on a picnic, n lebih baek if kt dpt buat ikt sunnah Rasulullah such as; solat berjemaah, mkn berjemaah, n try to do usrah amogs femili members.

2. Brush up ur skill guys.

haa..time cuti2 cenila..korunk leh mantapkn skill2 korng.wat klas2 memasak ke.menjht ker..for gurls la.If for boys,maybe u all blh pg amek kursus pe2..mcm klas comp ker..klas bhs arab ker.kursus kawen ok gak..hehe :p

3. Upgrade ur Iman.
i noe, mase study,mesti mase beribdt kt pon terbts, jom rkn2 kt top up blk ape yg kurg:) mase lpg time ni lah kt blh bnykkn solat2 sunat; sunat dhuha, sunat rawatib,dan bermacam2 lagi solat sunat.blh jgk kt bt qiam..n also..bnykkn hadiri majlis2 ilmu.rohani kt pn nak study jgk kn..hehe ( notes to me especially :D )

4. Healthier you.

syndrom kegemukan adlh perkre biase for universiti student.Aktiviti xcercise sgt2 mlas dibuat ketika diri bz dgn stdi,bukan?hehe..maka, cuti ini xblh mls lg..go for a walk,jogging ke, playing badminton, football ( i noe guys won't mis dis) or anythng yg blh stimulate sweat glands korng n also burn up ur fatty fats.heh..inilah masenyer we lead a healthy lifestyle!hait!

5. Hobbiit...ok.kidding..HOBBIES!yay~ is d best time untk anda2 smua membuat hobi kegemaran korunk.
like me, im now dlm mode menghabiskn smua novel n also komik2 sedunia dlm rumah ni.

6. Feeding frenzy
ok..mksdnye di sni..jom bertemu rakan2 korng yg dah lame xjmpe. cuti2 mcm nih, msti bnyk jer jemputan reunion korunk kan..pgla reunion2 tersebt.if x ade reunion, jmpe kwn2 rpt scare kecil2 lan pon sgt ok..marilah kt merapat2kn ukhwah sesama kt eit ;)

geee..nak bg my list of idea.sgt pnjg lagi kot.but these r all dat i can think of for now.
for rakan2, sharela wat's ur plan during the hols.
if no plan, tryla my ideas nih k.

Selamat Mencuba!

“Rebutlah lima keadaan sebelum datang lima keadaan yang lain, iaitu keadaan muda sebelum kedatangan waktu tuamu, keadaan sihatmu sebelum kedatangan waktu sakitmu, keadaan kaya (berada) sebelum ketibaan keadaan fakirmu, keadaan lapangmu sebelum kedatangan waktu sibukmu dan masa hidupmu sebelum tibanya kematianmu.”
[Diriwayatkan oleh al-Imam al-Hakim daripada Ibnu Abbas radiallahuanhu]

Friday, May 22, 2009

A letter to Cori

Dear Cori,

the 1st time tyra brought u home..i noe i wil heart u.
with ur big black eyes, ur white brownish fur, n ur big ears, u luk as sweet as ever :)

all of us,under 1 roof,luv u.
u put us in a smile wit ur own witty act, jumping up here and there, running around like mad, bitting all those valuable things, REALLY u're 1 of a kind.

holiday start,
i've to take care of u 4 a week since tyra wiil be away to Shah Alam.
these 3 to 4 days, u're d same hyperactive Cori i knew.
but luck was'nt always by ur side isnt it Cori?
Dodi the Vampire can smell ur freshhh veggiee meat.with his own skill, he easily open ur cage n bite u at d neck. Acting like he was a vampire who crave for blood..
i tried to save u n luckily, the bite was not too deep ( dodi's teeth were actually missing
due to his old age..heh)
u still luk strong afta dat incident.but then, days by days. ur body start to weaken.
u wont take ur foods n drinks, ur bladder r all lost control.
i'm worried sick seeing u like dis :(

dodi the vampire
i've stop to various clinic for ur treatment.i tried evrythng; Antibiotics, Tetanus, muscle relaxan, all wud not improve ur condtion.

as the night cum, im still trying to help u, giving ur medcne n spend half of d nite wit u.
but then, i cud not resist my tiredness. all i knew, i've alredi fall asleep..flying slowly to the dreamland.heh

wen i woke up, i rush to ur cage.Sadly, u cudnt cope wit al dis. ur body lies there as if u were sleeping soundly having d sweetest dream of ur life.

for Tyra; i'm sorry, for thiis is all i can do for cori, Allah loves him more.
for Cori;
we hve spend great times together, all of us will be missing u.see u in heaven.

with love;

cori in memory

dodi seeking for forgiveness

Du’a to recite when you lost something….

“Innalillah wa-inna ilaihi raji’un – Truly to Allah we belong, and truly to Him shall we return”

“Certainly, We shall test you with fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits; but give glad tidings to the patient – those who, when afflicted with calamity say, “Truly to Allah we belong, and truly to Him shall we return.” it is those who will be awarded blessings and mercy from their Lord; and it is those who are the guided ones” [2:155-157]

Whisper Whiskers

salam n welcome to "Whisper Whiskers"! (is it realy a word dat have meaning?urgh)

um..basically.the name was like tbe2..
xberkait antara hidup n mati..cume, i juz thougt it sounds nice..nice x rakan2?
n yah..whiskers analogi kepada meow2..coz im a full time cat's lover *winks*

in order to isi my mase lpg n fullfill d wish of dis 'tuan kure-kure'.hehe..i finally able to make a blog myself.
ok..not exactly..dis blog sudah lame berada di pasrn dong..
tp tuannye ini mals bangaaat mahu mengaktifknnye..hehe

so, i think this is where i'll be sharing my opinions, thoughts, experience..and not to forget..expressing my special emotions.heh. i start to wonder..
" i be able to make this blogging thingy up dated?" is a person who do less writing.more on talking, drawing, n reading..
bace blog org len lebih menyeronokkn bukan?ehe :D

anyway.. go clah go! hait! X)
Header image by sabrinaeras @ Flickr