
Assalamualaikum..n Hello world!:))
Adekah korg semua sedang terpikir,
"Adakah blog ini masih hidup penulisnya?
Mengapa seram sunyi saja blognya?"
ceh..Adeker orang nak pkr??huhu
Sebelum memulakan bicara penulisan, molek sekali andai saya menanyakan kabar pembaca2 sekalian...
" Kabare?Ni hao ma? Kaifa halukum? n lastly..How are you?"Hope semuanya sihat2, di bawah perlindungan Allah.Amin :)
Well..d last post i've written was past years before kn.
I mean a properly written post.Originally by me..get it?hehe
Post terakhir,masa itu masih di tahun 2 MBBS.tp buat pengetahuan anda semua..
Rite now,ive enterd my 3rd year alredi..so called 3rd year,or aka Phase 3A here.
Means,i have undergone my pre clinical years which is Phase 2 alredi.
So,let me see..hmmm..kre..nak dkt 1 year la xupdate blog nih kn.huhuhuhu...sadis skali.
Mula2 rase nak ucap syukur sgt2, krn Allah permudahkan urusan dlm hidup dan pembelajaran. Alhamdullillah..i've passed my Phase 2 with flying colours and rainbows :))

And now, i am in my
Phase 3A, 2 more years 2 go ahead before becoming a true doctor.InsyaAllah :)
Please pray for me k kawan2..u r so much appreciated if u do so! ;)
I think, for this post,i will like to share my experience during my clinical years.
Around dis 1 year, ive alredy gone to Surgery, Medicine, Paediatrics, Specialty, and d latest one was Obstetrics & Gynaecology(O&G)posting.
Memandangkan O&G adalah posting palingg terlatest saya.Let me share d story of my days in here..menarik ye..korang harus kekal semangat utk membaca smpai ke akhir ayat.hehe
Maaf kerana memakse:P
WELCOME to O&G!!
Sblm bercerite..general knowledge..
Obstetrics: means masalah2 berkaitan dgn wanita yg mengandung dan mahu melahirkan baby2 yg comel ke dunia ni.
Gynaecology: means masalah2 berkaitan dgn hal2 peribadi wanita..faham2 jela kome yee.ehe:P
(harap maaf, tiada wad khas utk masalah lelaki..jgn jeles~~ops!)
For this posting, we are given 7 weeks for learning n experience O&G.
Harus dan Wajib ye rakan2 utk serius dalam posting ini,bcoz dis is a major posting..i repeat, a
MAJOR posting.
Whhy??? Bcoz,dis is d only posting we will had, will study or revise dis posting back later in our 5th year je, tuh pon for 3 weeks only jer.Maka, ape yg perlu kita katakan..
"Ini Serius.."
(ala2 Wonderpets sket:P)And yeah..d special part of this posting is we have On Call slots,
this is where u had to stay at the labour room from 5- 10 pm once in a week.
If u want to stay longer, up until d morning, u may do so..with the rules that u must come to the next morning class as usual and punctual ok!ehe..
How Do I Felt About O&G Posting?I think dis posting is very interesting,bcoz dis is the 1st time i saw a live delivery of a baby!!!! (sila semangat bersame2)
When i saw a mother come for the delivery of the baby..Subhanallah.MasyaAllah..its a mixed feeling.isk..
Especially if the mother deliver the baby by "normal" way...ayat senang, bkn dari operation lah.
Yes..again, i repeated..Its a mixed filling;-
To see the pain the mother had to bear with ( but thank god,we have epidural (anesthetisia), at least less pain will b experienced by the mother :) )- To see the husband,stays thru out d delivery process, giving supports to the wife, and saying their appreciation when the baby have been safely delivered (ok, nih lebih ke arah rase sweet and terharu :p )
- And.. d most valuable feeling, is to see the baby difficult process to come out to the world, and to hear those little cute creatures crying slowly ( some are quite loud) after coming out into d world.. world is though kan baby?huu..And yes, when each baby comes safely out from the mother's womb, it always struck my mind that, how small and weak we are when we are born but yet, when we are big enough, we fight and denied what Allah have made us to do so..Astagfirullah.
Always..d best muhasabah diri indeed.
Tetibe teringat lirik Maher Zain, Open Your Eyes:" When a baby’s born
So helpless and weak
And you’re watching him growing..So why deny
Whats in front of your eyes
The biggest miracle of life.."k,jangan nynanyi lebih2..
There's one time during my on call nite, ade mommy nih with a twin pregnancy,
memang sangat excited nak tengok delivery baby die,bcoz:
1st, I'm a twin..boleh berangan sket how am i being delivered dulu2 kn..penuh style ke x..ehe
2nd, Twin baby is very special!! (thnk you2 *blush*) To see a twin delivery, u can say it is quite rare, sbb incidence of getting a twin pregnancy is low. nak bagi ratio..rase dah terlupe.dan malas nak cari..maaf yah.
Don't u think twin babies are cutee? :DSo, secara kesimpulannya..mmg berkobar2 lah on call malam tuh.
Lagi2, when my lecturer, Dr. Syed have give us a visit..at that time, it was 9 pm.
Before he went back home..Dr. smpt bagi kate2 keramat lagi..
"Guys, by hook or by crook, i want u to stay here and see the twin delivery until the baby safely come out to the world. And!! in Monday morning ( dat time was Friday), i want a report of this delivery in my pigeon hole nicely written.."
Dipendekkan cerite, we wait and wait and wait and wait and wait...ok.bape bnyk kali wait daaaa..
We wait until 12.30pm, BUT!! still the mother did not delivered the baby yet, the Medical officer then come and check her,
she was said to be in a prolonged active phase of labour..
So...she will be going for Ceaserean section
( operation lah nih)this is to assure that the baby and mother condition will be both safe..
huii..Pada saat ini..semangat melihat normal delivery of a twin baby, trus kabur dari pandangan..
Tapi, memandangkan teringat assingnmnt Dr., maka harus gagahkan diri utk tunggu smpai ke penghabisan titisan peluh yang terakhir..
(xberpeluh pon ok.)
Jeng2..Unfortunately, all d surgery room dat nite was full house!
Nih btol2 cakap full house lah..seme serius cases mcm fetal distress, maternal hypertension kene masuk blik OT dulu to deliver..mane maen 1st come 1st serve tau.ehe
So again, we wait and wait and wait and wait...untilllll...4am in the morning.
time tuh jangan cakapla my mate mcm mane.Memang mate mcm panda yang comel lah..ehe :D
Tapi..x ada sekelumit pon rase mengantuk di sini, mungkin kerana masa tidur saya sudah lame pergi di buai angin..ehe:P
So, by the end of the day..patient ini masuk bilik OT at 4 am, safely delivered d baby at 4.30am, and me with my gud fren k.irah, went back home happily at 5am.
And we all live happily ever after :)
5 am- twin baby safely delivered.baby lagi satu kat tempat laen..It was a long night indeed, but i'm happy to see that by d end of d day, the mother and both babies are well..
Comel2 je twin nih.Its a non-identical twin, 1 Boy, and 1 Girl.Alhamdulillah :)
Oklah, rase terlebih2 lak crite..ke korang nak kite cite banyak2 lagi..
perasan sket crite sendiri macam best..hehe..Juz a simple reminder before i end my speech;"Dan (ingatlah), ketika Tuhanmu mengeluarkan keturunan anak-anak Adam dari sulbi mereka dan Allah mengambil kesaksian terhadap jiwa mereka (seraya berfirman): “Bukankah Aku ini Tuhanmu?” Mereka menjawab: “Betul (Engkau Tuhan kami), kami menjadi saksi.” (Kami lakukan yang demikian itu) agar di hari kiamat kamu tidak mengatakan: “Sesungguhnya kami (Bani Adam) adalah orang-orang yang lengah terhadap ini (keesaan Tuhan).”
(QS Al A’raf: 172)
Masih ingat perjanjian ini? perjanjian yang xder seorang pon lepas to vow it.Do
we still sticks to what we say so?
Do we really says that Allah is our god,no other than that?Do we follow the rules properly?Think again..What we will says in the hereafter??xder alasan untuk memberi alasan kan..
*ouch* P/s:-
To the upcoming groups yg akan masuk O&G, masuk dgn penuh semnagat alrite, if u need anything..feelfree to ask ur so-called-senior O&G B) ehe..
- Maybe for the upcoming post, i will share some writings stuff from my mother..rite now she is totally dedicated in sharing "ilmu" with the worlds. (a.k.a by internet/ fbook) ehe.. So, lepas nih..at least my blogg ade update salu gak.and more beneficial articles can be read thru here, dlm mase yg same, insyaAllah.Moge same2 ade incomenye kat akhirat nanti kan.Amin...