a story i've read from i luv islam..a good story..espclly for those yg mengalami konflik diri mcm shabat kt: Tariq ni.. :) a note to myself too..
(Pepatah Arab)
meow..meow..they whisper
a story i've read from i luv islam..a good story..espclly for those yg mengalami konflik diri mcm shabat kt: Tariq ni.. :) a note to myself too..
Written by Cecelia Ahern..She wrote this story as good as she always used to..(btw..she's the same writer for P.s I love you)
Where rainbows end is a story about this two bestest-frens-ever; Rosie and Alex.
They have been best fren from their kindergaten age until they have been old and frail n forever who knows it will be..ehe..
The story tells you about the life of Rosie and Alex..who were confused in their relationships whether it is Love or just a pure best fren feelings.
I know its seems like a typical love story...but u shud read it..
Here, i like to share some parts of the book where i like..but.. i won’t tell u d details..it won’t be fun at all. go n have a peep at dis book after dis eit..then u'll understand..
ok..wat i likessss were:
- the way she told the story..not just by written it like a novel i've read before..but she write d story in forms of emails and instant messages..so.u'll be reading it like u’re stalking on others email and others secret messages..hehe..get my point eh??
- the way Rosie goes on with her life..she's though and a hardworking single mother.
- oh..and the bond of frenship between Rosie and Alex..it’s a real close one you knoe.. (btw,i nvr said in Islam..its a gud thing ok..hehe..let juz emphasizes on the "friendship" itself ok..) n..i do love d endings. :D
And here is the weird part of me.. As i goes through this book...i keep on comparing with my own life with the book.well u noe..im a muslim..n the book tells u about the western lifestyle rite..so..I can't help to compare it with mine..
The part which are way to different from me:
- it’s weird to see Rosie's parents accepted her with a big big happy heart when they knows she will give birth to a baby..especially when she's only 18 years old (dat sounds too young for me..ehe) well..im ok with it if the baby she get was by marriage.bt dis baby was illegal..hehe..u noe..in Islam we call it "zina".so..it’s weird to see that they are happy n suppose as parents we shud teach our daughters a lesson.huh..
- womens in the western are being looked too low in their community.(from what i've read in dis booklah) Womens are being use as an entertaiment..and you can freely makes jokes on sex and bla bla bla with anybody although u've nvr meet dat person before..Different in Islam, where women are being super-protected..ehe..we have to tutup our aurah (must be betol2 tutup eit)..jage batas pergaulan...can't go there..can't do dat..sounds like soo leceh rite??but hey.. it's all for our own gud rite??it will be a long list if u want me to write the benefits of all dis..uhu ;)
- i can't see the point on wat marriage means to them..it does'nt make a diff. u can still live in the same house and act like u r husband n wife although u're not evn married to him/her yet. Islam won't allow boy or gurl who's not ur mahram to be in a same house berdue je...or else..u'll be catch by jaip as a kesalahan for berkhalwat..rite2?mcm nih pon was a big sin..bygkn if u stayed with a man without no relationship at all for a long time..nauzubillah~
- n teenagers by the age of 16 and above 18..they wil be free to do anythng they like..parents are not allowed to get invollve at alll...woah~ gee.. however, Islamic parents knows dat their daughter and son will be their responsiblities until they died.(minus when the daughter is married to her husband k..d responsibilities wil then be put to the husband.) n oh..childrens must here their parents advice as long as it is not melannggar syarak..Nice kn.
so..by the end of this book..i felt like:
"oohh..dis story was so sweeett..n how glad n proud i am to be a full time muslim :)"
well.enuf said..nnt mcm ape lak kn..ehe.
hmm..i noe2..wat I’ve list up there..some of us,the Malaysian people (melayu Islam espclly) must hve been living like dis rite..if not living..maybe some of us has set d trends kn,..
n 1 reasons for it. bcoz we did'nt make Islam as our way of life..
let make islam as our deen..as our way of life..coz..if we all do dis..
our rainbows will all end like happily ever after..ehe (i mean in heaven insyaAllah..)
so..chop2..improve ourselves n try to be a better muslim each single day eit..better start changing then nvr..
Do think again..adios.
-btw..dis is not a book review eit..so I hope there'll be no hard feelings here..juz an opinion n a person point of view.
-oh..n sorry cecelia ahern..i do love ur writing :)
Dari Anas ra. dari Nabi saw. Allah befirman:
“Bila seseorang itu mendekat kepada-Ku sejengkal maka Aku mendekat kepadanya sehasta, bila ia mendekat kepada-Ku sehasta maka Aku mendekat kepadanya sedepa, dan apabila ia datang kepada-Ku dengan berjalan maka Aku datang kepadanya dengan berlari”.
(Riwayat Bukhari)
Subhanallah..begitu sayangnya Allah pada kt semua. DIA sentiasa menantikan kt sbg hambanya agar dekat dan taat kepadanya. Cuma mungkin kt hambanya masih belum sedar betapa dalamnya kasih dan sayang Allah kepada kt. Jom check semula..
Dari Abu Hurairah ra. Berkata, Rasulullah saw. Bersabda, bahwasannya Allah Ta’ala berfirman:
“ Sesuatu yang paling Kusukai dari apa yang dikerjakan oleh hamba-Ku untuk mendekatkan diri kepada-Ku ialah apabila ia mengerjakan apa yang telah Kuwajibkan kepadanya. Seseorang itu akan selalu mendekatkan diri kepada-Ku dengan mengerjakan perkara-perkara sunat sehingga Aku mencintainya. Apabila Aku mencintainya, maka Aku merupakan pendengaran yang ia pergunakan untuk mendengarkannya, Aku merupakan penglihatan yang ia gunakan untuk melihatnya, Aku merupakan tangan yang ia pergunakan untuk melakukannya dan Aku merupakan kaki yang ia pergunakan untuk berjalan. Seandainya ia bermohon kepada-Ku pasti Aku akan mengabulkannya dan seandainya ia berlindung diri kepada-Ku pasti Aku akan melindunginya”.
(Riwayat Bukhari)
Bila kt cintakan Allah..ape yg didengar, dilihat dan setiap perbuatan kt sentiasa diawasi agar kt x buat ape yg dilarang olehNya. Indah bukan if kt dapat mencapai cinta sehingga tahap mcm ni.. InsyaAllah..:)
cori in memory
dodi seeking for forgiveness
Du’a to recite when you lost something….
“Innalillah wa-inna ilaihi raji’un – Truly to Allah we belong, and truly to Him shall we return”